Most Outdated Programming Languages You Should Skip in 2023

Hey there, techies! Today, we are going to chat about the topic that’s buzzing in the coding community: the most outdated programming languages that you should consider skipping in 2023. 

As we sail through the fast-evolving tech landscape, it’s essential to stay updated with the most in-demand and modern programming languages. Why cling to languages that are slowly fading away? 

So, without further delay, let’s dive into the world of coding languages and explore the ones that have played their role and are slowly dying.

Why Do Programming Languages Become Outdated?

Before jumping into the list, let’s discuss why some programming languages become outdated. 

Just like fashion trends change with time, so do the demands of the tech industry. As new languages emerge, offering better features, improved security, and enhanced performance, the older ones start losing their shine. Developers and companies lean towards languages that offer flexibility, scalability, and ease of maintenance, leaving the outdated ones in the digital dust.

Most Outdated Programming Languages to Avoid in 2023

Listed below are the most outdated programming languages you should avoid learning in 2023.

1. COBOL: Remember the Y2K Bug?

Ah, COBOL, a language that often evokes memories of the Y2K bug frenzy. While it played a significant role in the early days of computing, it has grown long in the tooth. COBOL lacks modern features and struggles to keep up with the demands of modern applications. If you’re still knee-deep in COBOL, it might be time to embrace more contemporary options.

2. Fortran: A Blast from the Past

Fortran, the granddaddy of programming languages, has been around since the 1950s. While it has been a workhorse for scientific and engineering applications, its complexity and lack of modern paradigms make it a less attractive choice today. If you’re not coding complex mathematical algorithms, it’s time to bid farewell to Fortran.

3. Visual Basic 6: Time to Upgrade

Visual Basic 6, a language beloved by many for its simplicity, has been surpassed by its successors. The .NET framework has ushered in more powerful alternatives, and clinging to VB6 might limit your potential. It’s time to trade up and explore the world of .NET languages.

4. Delphi: Fading into Obscurity

Delphi, once known for its rapid application development capabilities, is gradually losing its place in the coding world. The rise of modern languages and frameworks has overshadowed Delphi’s capabilities. If you’re seeking longevity and relevance, exploring other options might be a wise move.

5. Perl: The Decline Continues

Perl, famous for its text-processing capabilities and “duct tape of the internet” moniker, has been on a downward slope for a while. While it still has its niche uses, its readability issues and the emergence of more robust scripting languages make it a less attractive choice for broader applications.

Which programming languages to learn instead?

In place of the fading stars we discussed earlier, consider learning languages like Python, known for its versatility and readability, making it a fantastic choice for beginners and experts alike. 

JavaScript, the backbone of web development, offers endless possibilities for creating dynamic and interactive websites. If you’re drawn to mobile app development, Kotlin and Swift are essential contenders, optimized for building top-notch Android and iOS applications. And let’s not forget about Rust, a language lauded for its memory safety and performance, making it ideal for systems programming. 

These languages are the vibrant threads weaving the fabric of the modern tech landscape, driving you toward innovation, success, and boundless opportunities.


In the rapidly evolving realm of technology, it’s essential to keep pace with the changing landscape. As we bid adieu to the year 2023, it’s time to bid adieu to these outdated programming languages as well. Embracing newer languages with enhanced features, robust frameworks, and active communities can propel your coding journey to new heights. 

So, as we navigate the ever-shifting currents of coding trends, let’s set our sails towards innovation and progress.


Are these languages completely obsolete?

No, these languages still find some use in niche scenarios, but their relevance in the broader tech industry has diminished over time.

What are the risks of sticking to outdated languages?

Sticking to outdated languages can limit your career opportunities, as companies often seek developers with skills in modern languages for their projects.

How can I transition to newer languages?

Online tutorials, coding bootcamps, and courses are great resources to learn new languages. Practice on personal projects can also help solidify your skills.

Can I still find jobs as a COBOL developer?

While opportunities exist, the demand for COBOL developers is shrinking. Consider upskilling in more in-demand languages for better prospects.

Is it worth learning an older language for historical purposes?

Absolutely! Learning the roots of programming can provide valuable insights into the evolution of technology, even if these languages aren’t widely used today.

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