E-E-A-T Google: Everything You Need to Know

Ever heard of “Google E-E-A-T“? Sounds like a robot trying to say “eat,” right? Well, it’s actually a big deal in the world of website content, especially if you want your awesome articles to be seen by more people. Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds. Let’s break it down together like we’re figuring out a cool science experiment.

What is E-E-A-T?

E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. These are basically Google’s way of saying, “Hey, is this website giving people the good stuff? Is it reliable and worth their time?” 

It’s like a secret code for quality & helpful content. Websites with high EEAT get a thumbs-up from Google, meaning they show up higher in search results.

Think of it like this: You’re lost in the woods and need to find your way back. Would you trust directions from a random squirrel you just met or a seasoned park ranger with a map and years of experience? Google wants to be that park ranger, leading people to the best, most helpful information online.

How to boost E-E-A-T on your website?

If you’re into learning SEO, you should know well about EEAT. So, how do we boost our EEAT and become Google’s content BFF? Here are some tips you can use right now:

1. Share Your Experience:

sharing real life experience for EEAT

Don’t just tell, show! Use personal anecdotes and examples to illustrate your points. People connect with stories, so let them see how your knowledge applies to real life.

Be honest about your limitations. If you’re not an expert in something, say so! It’s okay to recommend other resources for further information.

Show your passion! If you’re genuinely excited about your topic, it will shine through in your writing and make people want to learn more.

2. Be the Expert:

Know your stuff! Research your topic thoroughly, using credible sources like scientific studies, government websites, or interviews with real experts. Don’t just copy-paste from other articles.

Show your skills! If you’re a doctor, share case studies. If you’re a baker, explain complex recipes in simple terms. People want to see you know what you’re talking about.

Be specific! Don’t just say, “Exercise is good for you.” Explain why different types of exercise benefit different parts of your body. The more specific you are, the more credible you sound.

3. Build Your Authority:

Get recognized! If you have awards, certifications, or published works, mention them. Show people you’re not just some random voice on the internet.

Connect with others! Guest blog on other websites, participate in online communities, and network with other experts. Building relationships builds trust.

Be consistent! Publish high-quality content regularly. When people know you’re a reliable source, they’ll keep coming back for more.

4. Earn Trustworthiness:

building trust for EEAT content

Be accurate! Double-check your facts and cite your sources. Don’t spread misinformation.

Be transparent! Disclose any potential conflicts of interest. If you’re writing about a product you love, mention that you’re an affiliate or reviewer.

Be ethical! Write with integrity and avoid clickbait or misleading headlines. People trust websites that play it straight.


Remember, EEAT isn’t just about checking boxes. It’s about creating content that’s genuinely helpful, informative, and trustworthy. When you focus on making your readers’ lives better, you’ll naturally boost your E-E-A-T and watch your website flourish.


What’s the difference between E-A-T and E-E-A-T

The original E-A-T lacked “Experience.” In 2022, Google added it to emphasize understanding gained through real-world usage or first-hand encounters.

When did Google E-E-A-T start?

It first appeared in Google guidelines around 2014, focusing on Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

How do you write E-E-A-T content?

Back research, share personal insights, build online authority, prioritize accuracy, transparency, and ethical writing.

What does the Google concept of YMYL stand for?

“Your Money Your Life” – topics like health, finance, and legal matters where Google prioritizes high E-E-A-T websites.

Ranjan Roy
Ranjan Roy
Articles: 2

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