5 High-Paying Non-Technical Jobs in 2023 in India

In this digital world, technical skills are not the only path to a high-paying job. The job market in India is diverse, and if you have the right skills, you can easily secure a good job and make good money. In this article, we shall discuss 5 high-paying non-technical jobs in 2023. 

We’ll also discuss the skills you need to learn to acquire the jobs and the average salaries you can expect.

Note- This article highlights the top non-technical roles that are in high demand in 2023, focusing on their relevance in India, their significance in the job market, and their potential to help you make money online through freelancing.

The Top 5 High-Paying Non-Technical Jobs in 2023

Listed below are the top 5 five high-paying non-technical jobs that could be your ticket to a successful career in 2023. 

Note- The salaries mentioned in this article are the packages offered to individuals securing 9-5 jobs in companies. The money made by freelancers is subjective and may vary.

1.) Digital Marketer

If you have a deep understanding of digital platforms, a career in digital marketing could be your calling. Digital marketers are responsible for creating and implementing online marketing strategies to drive traffic and sales for businesses. This role requires an in-depth understanding of social media, SEO, email marketing, and content creation.

Skills required:

  • SEO optimization techniques
  • Social media advertising
  • Content marketing strategies
  • Google Analytics

With an average salary of 10 Lakhs Per Annum (LPA), digital marketing offers a promising career for those willing to learn and adapt to a continuously changing digital world.

2.) Product Manager

Product managers play an important role in the development and success of a product. They are responsible for defining the product vision, gathering requirements, and guiding the development team. While technical knowledge can be beneficial, it’s not a strict requirement for this role.

Skills required:

  • Product management methodologies
  • User research and feedback analysis
  • Project management skills
  • Data-driven decision-making

With an average salary of 8 LPA, product management offers an excellent opportunity for individuals with strong organizational and leadership skills.

3.) UI/UX Designer

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) designers are responsible for creating visually appealing and user-friendly digital products. Design skills are crucial in this field. Understanding user behavior and preferences is key. 

As of programming is concerned, having some knowledge about languages and basics is appreciated. However, you do not need to be a hard-core programmer. 

Skills required:

  • UI/UX design principles
  • Prototyping tools
  • User testing and feedback analysis
  • Graphic design software

UI/UX designers enjoy an average salary of 7 LPA, making it a rewarding career choice for creative individuals.

4.) Data Analyst

Data analysts are in high demand across various industries. They collect, process, and analyze data to provide insights that drive decision-making. Statistics and basic mathematics are essential. You should also be proficient with Microsoft tools, such as Excel. 

Having knowledge of Python programming is also appreciated. Python is not only important in Data Analysis but can also open doors to plenty of job opportunities.

Skills required:

  • Data visualization tools
  • Statistical analysis techniques
  • SQL and data querying
  • Data cleaning and preprocessing

Data analysts earn an average salary of 9 LPA, reflecting the importance of their role in today’s data-driven world.

5.) Content Writer

If you are good with words and can compose compelling narratives, content writing is a viable non-technical career option. Content writers create engaging and relevant content for various platforms, such as websites, blogs, social media, and more. Having knowledge of SEO is a must to secure a content writing job. The best part is you can learn SEO at home in no time.

Skills required:

  • Copywriting techniques
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) for content
  • Research and fact-checking skills
  • Editing and proofreading

Content writers can earn a competitive salary, with many freelancers making a comfortable income of around 6 LPA.


You don’t need to be a technical nerd to secure a high-paying job in 2023. The job market is evolving, and you can earn a good amount by learning the right skills- the highest-paying and in-demand skills in the market

The non-technical roles outlined in this article offer exciting opportunities for those willing to learn and adapt. Whether you choose to become a digital marketer, product manager, UI/UX designer, or data analyst, the skills you develop at home can pave the way to a fulfilling and well-compensated career.


Are these non-technical jobs suitable for beginners?

Yes, these roles are accessible to beginners who are willing to invest time in learning the necessary skills.

Do I need a degree for these jobs?

While a degree can be helpful, it’s not always a strict requirement. Many employers value practical skills and experience.

How can I improve my chances of landing one of these jobs?

Building a strong portfolio and networking within the industry can significantly enhance your job prospects.

Are there online courses available for these career paths?

Yes, there are numerous online courses and resources available to help you learn and excel in these fields.

Can I transition into one of these careers from a different background?

Absolutely! Many professionals successfully transition into these roles by acquiring the necessary skills and demonstrating their passion and dedication.

Learn Your Skills
Learn Your Skills
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